What’s New at lalh.org
What’s New at lalh.org

With the page turn into September comes a new Place Study on the lalh.org website. The place: Yellowknife, in subarctic Canada. Learn how landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander accomplished her “invisible mending” in the fragile terrain surrounding the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly Building. Photographs by Etta Gerdes capture the region’s ethereal light.
More to do at lalh.org:
– New to LALH? Take a look at VIEW 2013 online.
– Read the new blog post about the just-completed restoration of the landscape at Naumkeag, a National Historic Landmark in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Or Ethan Carr’s thoughts about New England Trails.
– Peruse the recently compiled Preservation Profiles These brief essays speak to the link between LALH books and preservation successes all over the country.
– Don’t forget to follow LALH on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to catch the latest news.