New Bits and Hot Bytes at
New Bits and Hot Bytes at

With each passing month is hitting a new stride—another new film, a dedicated YouTube channel, rotating bloggers, and more frequent postings of this LALH e-newsletter. Watch for a new Place Study, featuring the Buffalo Park System, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. The subject of a forthcoming LALH book, The Best Planned City in the World, by Francis R. Kowsky, the intricately linked parks and parkways of this nineteenth-century industrial capital are still studied by Olmsted scholars as a model of green urban infrastructure.
In December the new LALH film Fletcher Steele and Naumkeag: A Playground of the Imagination, premiered online, joining Designing in the Prairie Spirit, which debuted in November. With each film running about twelve minutes, landscape cineastes can sneak an edifying peek at their desks.

Bloghound alert: The LALH blog taps Ethan Carr, Robin Karson, Patricia O’Donnell, and Kate John-Alder to post on topical issues of landscape design and history. Rebut, retort, agree, report, but by all means follow these leading voices in the field. Stand by for the blog to introduce intriguing new voices.

And don’t forget to visit the LALH facebook page for short illustrated updates and mini-news stories: What’s not to “like”?
Banner photo credit: Ruth Bancroft Garden, Walnut Creek, California (detail). Photo by Marion Brenner.