

Two LALH books—one recently published and one forthcoming—received awards from the Foundation for Landscape Studies: The Best Planned City in the World: Olmsted, Vaux, and the Buffalo Park System (2013) by Francis R. Kowsky, was recognized with the FLS J. B. Jackson Book Prize. Past recipients of the prestigious prize include Mission 66 and A Genius for Place. 

Author Francis R. Kowsky (right) with LALH executive director, Robin Karson
Author Francis R. Kowsky (right) with LALH executive director, Robin Karson.

The FLS awarded a David R. Coffin publication grant toward production of an LALH  book in development about the landscape architecture and planning firm Hare & Hare, based in Kansas City, Missouri. Authors Carol Grove and Cydney E. Millstein chronicle the achievements of the firm that began with Sidney J. Hare (1860­–1938) and son S. Herbert Hare (1888–1960).

Municipal rose garden designed by Hare & Hare in Loose Park, Kansas City.
Municipal rose garden designed by Hare & Hare in Loose Park, Kansas City.

The Coffin Grant, named for the eminent late professor of architecture at Princeton University and scholar of landscape and garden history, is awarded annually to authors and publishers of books-in-progress that advance scholarship in the field of garden history and landscape studies.