

The Hannah Carter Japanese Garden, designed by Nagao Sakurai from 1959 to 1961, is among the most significant residential Japanese-style gardens of its era in the United States. The garden was named after the wife of Edward Carter, chairman of the regents of the University of California, who donated the garden to UCLA “in perpetuity” in 1964.

Hannah Carter Garden, March 2012.
Hannah Carter Garden, March 2012. Courtesy Save the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden.

When the university put the garden up for sale in March 2012, the Carter heirs filed a lawsuit, and, in a much celebrated victory, managed to temporarily halt the sale. Unfortunately, they have not yet achieved a resolution that will permanently prevent the garden from being destroyed or sold without a clause of protection. Although the case is scheduled to go to court this summer, both parties are hoping to reach a settlement before then.  Read more about the case in a recent article from the LA Times.

Water feature.
Water feature. Courtesy of Save the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden.

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