
Darrel Morrison

Darrel Morrison, FASLA, a longtime advocate of the use of native vegetation and native plant communities as a basis for landscape design, has been teaching and practicing ecologically based design and management since the 1970s. He received his MS in landscape architecture from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and taught there from 1969 to 1983. He then went to the College of Environmental Design at the University of Georgia, where he was dean until 1992. After retiring from UGA in 2004, he moved to Manhattan, where he taught in the master’s program in landscape design at Columbia University. Morrison recently returned to Madison and continues to practice ecologically based design. His current and recent work includes projects at Storm King Art Center, the New York Botanical Garden, and Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Previously, Morrison was the senior landscape designer for the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, and he designed the four-acre native plant garden at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum in Madison. He was twice awarded the Outstanding Educator Award by the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, and he has received the American Horticultural Society’s Teaching Award, as well as its Landscape Design Award. He is the author of Beauty of the Wild: A Life Designing Landscapes Inspired by Nature.