Apostle of Taste
Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815–1852
David Schuyler

Arthur A. Shurcliff
Design, Preservation, and the Creation of the Colonial Williamsburg Landscape
Elizabeth Hope Cushing

The Art of Landscape Architecture
Samuel Parsons Jr.

Beauty of the Wild
A Life Designing Landscapes Inspired by Nature
Darrel Morrison

The Best Planned City in the World
Olmsted, Vaux, and the Buffalo Park System
Francis R. Kowsky

Book of Landscape Gardening
Frank A. Waugh

Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect
Charles W. Eliot

Community by Design
The Olmsted Firm and the Development of Brookline, Massachusetts
Keith N. Morgan, Elizabeth Hope Cushing, and Roger G. Reed

Country Life
A Handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening
Robert Morris Copeland

Design in the Little Garden
Fletcher Steele

Ellen Shipman and the American Garden
Judith B. Tankard

Essays on Landscape
Laurie Olin

Fletcher Steele, Landscape Architect
An Account of the Gardenmaker’s Life, 1885–1971
Robin Karson

A Genius for Place
American Landscapes of the Country Place Era
Robin Karson

Graceland Cemetery
A Design History
Christopher Vernon

The Greatest Beach
A History of Cape Cod National Seashore
Ethan Carr

Hare & Hare, Landscape Architects and City Planners
Carol Grove and Cydney Millstein

Henry Shaw’s Victorian Landscapes
The Missouri Botanical Garden and Tower Grove Park
Carol Grove

Improving the Village
Stockbridge, Massachusetts, and the Laurel Hill Association
Kirin Joya Makker and Sarah Allaback

James Rose
Dean Cardasis

John Nolen
Landscape Architect and City Planner
R. Bruce Stephenson

Landscape Architecture, as Applied to the Wants of the West
with an Essay on Forest Planting on the Great Plains
H. W. S. Cleveland

Landscape for Living
Garret Eckbo

O. C. Simonds

Landscapes of Exclusion
State Parks and Jim Crow in the American South
William E. O'Brien

Lawrence Halprin
Kenneth I. Helphand

Marjorie Sewell Cautley
Landscape Architect for the Motor Age
Sarah Allaback

Midwestern Landscape Architecture
William H. Tishler

Mission 66
Modernism and the National Park Dilemma
Ethan Carr

A Modern Arcadia
Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. and the Plan for Forest Hills Gardens
Susan L. Klaus

The Muses of Gwinn
Art and Nature in a Garden Designed by Warren H. Manning, Charles A. Platt, and Ellen Biddle Shipman
Robin Karson

The Native Landscape Reader
Robert E. Grese

New Towns for Old
John Nolen

Olmsted and Yosemite
Civil War, Abolition, and the National Park Idea
Rolf Diamant and Ethan Carr

Pioneers of American Landscape Design
Charles A. Birnbaum and Robin Karson

The Prairie Spirit in Landscape Gardening
Wilhelm Miller

Rescue and Revival
New York Botanical Garden, 1989–2018
Gregory Long

Robert Royston
Reuben M. Rainey and JC Miller

Ruth Shellhorn
Kelly Comras

Silent City on a Hill
Picturesque Landscapes of Memory and Boston’s Mount Auburn Cemetery
Blanche M. G. Linden

The Spirit of the Garden
Martha Brookes Hutcheson

Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England
Frederick Law Olmsted

Warren H. Manning
Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner
Robin Karson, Jane Roy Brown, and Sarah Allaback

A World of Her Own Making
Katharine Smith Reynolds and the Landscape of Reynolda
Catherine Howett

Writing the City
Essays on New York
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers